We, Islands, need to implement local biosources of high tech and low carbon construction, energy materiel or agricultural uses :
Think #bamboo and dissemine in every pièce of land, that is to say, every where there is a little piece of agricultural corner or plot of land, along the ravines. Think about 50 m2 per tropical bamboo plant, non invasive #construction quality, type Asper, Strictus, Guadua, …and in ten year, u will have got every year and for the rest of ur life, a whole #production of construction #biomaterial for agriculture, #Energie and #sustainable #construction.
You’ll also dispose of a very delicious and healthy bamboo shots production, as well as bamboo mushrooms, well know for their tastes and high mineral and protein content.
Specific #permaculture, logistic and economic #strategy to be designed at the scale of each #island. Solar and bamboo design is our main and favorite skill.
Contact us to work on it. La Réunion Island 🐼🇷🇪